Foundation Details
Statement of Purpose
The Streetlight Financial Foundation was created from a financial services company, Streetlight Financial. Founding partners, Aaron Smith, and Mark Vaclavicek have recognized a need for a philanthropic effort that provides a positive financial impact to one cause each year. The Foundation’s selection committee will award one nominated cause or organization per calendar year and select each award recipient each calendar year. The Foundation will accept applications from potential recipients each year and the selection committee will review specific needs, financial documents and the overall mission of each cause.
Mission Statement
It is the mission statement of the Streetlight Financial Foundation to recognize and provide an impact to a non-profit organization or cause in need of resources. Our mission is to inspire positive change. The Foundation will be a diverse, results-driven organization that responds to the growing need of the communities we serve with responsibility, integrity, and inclusion. It is the responsibility of our organization to perform this mission. The success of this mission is the responsibility of the streetlight financial foundation and all its supporters. It is the responsibility of the selection committee to recognize, select and award recipients in need with objectivity.
Nomination & Application Process
Nominations: The Foundation will solicit and make available an informal and brief nomination form with the purpose of gathering as many causes and organizations who may be in need of resources. The nomination will answer two main questions: who should be awarded next year’s recipient and specifically why they should receive the award and needed resources. Nominations will be accepted by anyone who has a general connection or natural familiarity with the streetlight financial foundation.
Applications: Once the cause or organization has been identified, the Foundation will request a formal application to be completed by the nominating party or the non-profit organization who has been nominated. The formal application will require and not limited to:
- Clarification of the specific needs being addressed for the funds raised
- Financial reports/audited statements of the potential recipient
- Materials and reports about the mission of the organization
- The issues/challenges that dedicating funds will address/solve
- Events (if any) are schedules for the upcoming year
Each nominated cause will have the option to re-submit applications in subsequent years to alter any information from last year or re-submit the same exact application with updated financial statements.